
Israel Really is a Small Country
When we were invited to a wedding in the Carmel Mountain region on April 8, we decided to book a room that night at nearby Nir Etzion Resort Hotel rather than driving a long way home in the dark.
This being Israel, where you can’t walk two blocks without bumping into someone you know, it should not have surprised us to find another former Teaneckite at that very hotel on that very night. Read More

Where Traditional Therapy Fails, Geerz Often Succeeds
Bracha was in fifth grade in Bais Yaakov when she suffered from an eating disorder that made her look more like a girl of 6 than 10. Her parents, distraught, did not know how to help their daughter. Therapy wasn’t helping and her health deteriorated rapidly as her body lacked the nourishment needed to thrive. Read More

Fleeing Despair, Ukrainian Orphans in Israel Find Peace Through Mountain Biking
A remarkable journey took 70 orphans along with 70 staff, families, and Chabad shluchim from a shattered hometown in Ukraine through Romania and eventually to Israel in March 2022 to settle, temporarily, in a quiet KKL forest youth camp. Read More

Shai Rubin - From Atlanta to Beit Shemesh, 2012
"I am a biker," says Shai Rubin. "Three or four days a week, early in the morning, a friend and I bike the trails around Beit Shemesh. One of my favorite rides is through the gorgeous Sorek Valley. On every ride one of us calls out, 'Man, we're so blessed. Look how beautiful this is.'" Read More

'Therapy in disguise': How mountain biking is improving the health of at-risk Israeli youth
The Geerz program works with 350 teens in nine cities and one youth village throughout the country, using the bicycle as a tool used to teach life skills, and to get kids outside and away from their immediate environments. Read More

On The Road to Somewhere
There is a particularly pernicious problem facing Israel today that is perhaps rather less well known than the more newsworthy challenges that the average Israeli has to deal with: that of at-risk Israeli youth. Read More

Geerz fills a real need for kids who don’t get the tools they require to thrive in life
Can a bike change a child’s life? Rabbi and educator Nachum Wasosky has seen it happen for hundreds of children and is working to add another 1,000 to that number. Read More

TOVAtalks with Nachum Wasosky of Geerz
Nachum explains how he moved from the States to Israel and brought a vision to life. Geerz helps children discover the leader inside of them by combining mountain biking with Jewish values. The tools the kids learn from mountain biking gives them the self confidence to realize and reach their full potential. Read More

Mesorah Mountain Biking With Geerz
The Geerz mountain-biking program is rolling into another strong season at Camp Mesorah. For the fourth consecutive summer, Camp Mesorah is proud to be the first Orthodox overnight camp to offer Geerz–a unique and internationally successful leadership mountain-biking program. Read More

Shifting kids into high gear
Every Friday, 12-year-old Naftali Gros eagerly looks forward to mountain biking in the Judean Hills with Geerz, a youth program founded by Ramat Beit Shemesh resident Rabbi Nachum Wasosky to foster mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development. Read More

Biking with Geerz
How do you feel when you are surrounded by nature? Let's hear from Rabbi Nachum Wasosky how taking local youths on weekly bike rides in the Judean Hills has changed their lives. Rabbi Wasosky is the founder of Geerz, a nonprofit organization in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. Read More

Riding High
We’re out in the Judean Hills a ten-minute walk from the nearest road but we might as well have been transported back centuries. Read More

Geerz Program Comes To Camp Mesorah
This summer, Camp Mesorah has incorporated a unique and internationally successful leadership mountain biking program called GEERZ. The new program has never been seen before in the Jewish camping world. GEERZ mountain biking program, imported from Israel, has both boys and girls signing up for an all inclusive mountain biking workshop. Read More